Friday, January 14, 2005

Modes of Journey

Self is a starting point of two journeys.Outer Journey and the other unknown journey called as Inner Journey.Outer journey does not reach towards the Self Realisation.Outer Journey leads to this material world,it involves the contamination of self with materialistic things.Ego,Jealous,Misery,Greed are some side effects of outer journey.Inner journey is always pristine and reach to the Self Realisation.Inner Journey reach to the union with the Divine,a
blissful state.Self Realisation is always taken in different terminologies,it is actually understanding that we are not the body but a soul.There are two modes to become self realised.In a very simple language,I term them as Ascending and Descending modes.In Ascending mode,we work for soul to realise that it is a part of supreme soul.Whereas in
Descending mode,we already know that soul is part of supreme.In this process if one go one step towards God then God comes many steps towards oneself.
Bhakti is a process to step in Descending mode.In current age,the more number of minds,the more number of Gods.To follow descending process,one must understand that there is only one supreme power,"Supreme God".We are simply the souls sent by Him based on our past karmas.It is our duty to completely surrender to Him.Surrender here means that whatever we perform it should be offering to Him.
Clear understanding of this process will definitely leads to love in society.Inner journey automatically unbinds the attachment which does not help in realisation.Purity is the side effect of Bhakti,and when one is in Bhakti there comes Love.We then feel that we all are one and should work forMoksha.Moksha means when soul unites with God and become free from the cycle of miseries like birth and death.It is the blissed state where principles of Modern Science fails.
Trulely surrender to one Supreme Power,and hence put your one step in Inner Journey.All the dirt getting out of your soul then can easily be felt.After lot of years we get the soul in Human form,take the advantage of this birth.Offering love to Him.
If you are intelligent you are big zero "0", if you are rich you are more big "00",if you have everything then you are n numbers of big zeros "0000000..." but if you have God then simply add "1" to the start of the string of n big zeros...

Monday, January 03, 2005

"I think therefore I do not think..."

Fashion has become pervasive.Something different is called as fashion like in dress..but nowadays people are drilling out the "lines" as a part of liner like this "I think therefore I do not think".."Nobody is perfect and I am Nobody"..A ponderous breathe on these liners is enough for a person to give him shock..whats nonsense is this???This one liners are not at all different from can easily find out this viruses as a signature attachment of the email..Some days back i got this virus ..its like "You can not find out your potential till you do not try" It really made me to mull over and little hyserical emotions.Write any statement,frame into double quotes and there comes a one liner...very simple.

If this fashion continues to spread like this i better start my own venture business to write and spread this virus on demand .I have lot of garbage in my brain and i find all these one liners as garbage so i do not have parochial about this business.Success is knocking my door..I can easily listen ...can you????I already have my homepage.I will analyse the market in case of prior
competition to put the price for this ideal widget.I can proudly announce that if this fashion continues and if the restriction that one liners are not freely spread that i will be next to Gates.
I would like to quote one more line on this scenerio "I can not spell s*ccess without u"..I do not oppose this fashion..I am only against of the wrong means of fashion..Some of these are really good "Computer never do mistake,It executes our mistake in a very perfect manner"..This is good and I am sure all the readers who has Software as a profession are with me... :-)Write any garbage,people can easily find meaning in that liner...Take this .."Every Journey ends with Success and Failure is the driving key to Journey"..I feel uncomfortable whenever i come across these stupid liners.I scare to see the signature of email.Read this good one "There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who can understand binary and those who don't "Almost all these liners are "Bakwaas".I request please collect these liners and save it in a folder then harshly press "Shift +Delete".
Actually I was impressed with "Writing happens when you dont feel writing.." :-)
PS#Wishing all of you a very happy new year...