This article might be the sarcastic attempt for those who understands professionalism wrongly and behave like the ideal professional.This article might be tuned in different frequencies as it progresses..
The word Professionalism defined in one of the best dictionary as,
pro·fes·sion·al·ism (n)-. Professional status, methods, character, or standards.
The objective of this article is to give channel to my voice to reach to those pseudo professionals who think it of as only status..
If person is high in status in any organisation,this does not mean that he or she possess high professionlism.Only there are certain fields in this mathematical world where simple math
fails.No proportion rule applies in this calculation.
There are methods,character,standards when mixed with right proportiongive a shape to professionalism.Today i find that the word Professionalism is being used very casuallyand thereby loosing its content.Since birth i was taught to express ideas or any thing attempt to pen the result of right teaching at right time..
Do we act like professionals? This simple question can be interpretedonly in one way but can be answered in many ways according to individuals.
Can we find these methods,standards in any best selling book whose author
elucidate these fundamentals?
"You are a professional,you should come to office on time...but you can leaveonly when the work is complete though it makes you to feel yawn at 8 pm in office."[scene:Manager to his sub ordinate,scene-ideal S/w Company]
pro·fes·sion·al·ism (n)-. Professional status, methods, character, or standards.
The objective of this article is to give channel to my voice to reach to those pseudo professionals who think it of as only status..
If person is high in status in any organisation,this does not mean that he or she possess high professionlism.Only there are certain fields in this mathematical world where simple math
fails.No proportion rule applies in this calculation.
There are methods,character,standards when mixed with right proportiongive a shape to professionalism.Today i find that the word Professionalism is being used very casuallyand thereby loosing its content.Since birth i was taught to express ideas or any thing attempt to pen the result of right teaching at right time..
Do we act like professionals? This simple question can be interpretedonly in one way but can be answered in many ways according to individuals.
Can we find these methods,standards in any best selling book whose author
elucidate these fundamentals?
"You are a professional,you should come to office on time...but you can leaveonly when the work is complete though it makes you to feel yawn at 8 pm in office."[scene:Manager to his sub ordinate,scene-ideal S/w Company]
I was shocked when my friend told about this scenerio.Completely ridiculous,shocking..harsh emotions are feeling hard to stay inside my heart.
Its humorous to state nowadays Time has become the function of professionalism..If it is the case then I request everybody to learn hyper professionalism from labourers.
Do not associate time to work instead associate it with efficiency or in better word productivity.
Proper plan your work for certain period and schedule it accordingly..This is the only formula for a big company to perform well in the market..
No planning,but coming to the work on time,forcibly leaving late only formulate to the moribund organisations.
Some of the management states that we feel like family in our organisation.On the other side the same management states that we also maintain professionalism.Sorry to say but this kind of oxymoron is out of my scope.
One needs to clearly understand the professional life and personal life in
Think about the scenerio when a wife is a manager and her husband is her team
mate..How would then professionalism act?
Should they show their personal relationship in the organisation,or should
they act like a manager and a team member..Which benefits the company or whichbenefits the growth of professionalism in the company.
These questions for a while looks simple but can lead to endless discussion.
This article is just an attempt to open this issue in Open Space which i sarcastically named is as "Pseudo Professionalism"..
Its humorous to state nowadays Time has become the function of professionalism..If it is the case then I request everybody to learn hyper professionalism from labourers.
Do not associate time to work instead associate it with efficiency or in better word productivity.
Proper plan your work for certain period and schedule it accordingly..This is the only formula for a big company to perform well in the market..
No planning,but coming to the work on time,forcibly leaving late only formulate to the moribund organisations.
Some of the management states that we feel like family in our organisation.On the other side the same management states that we also maintain professionalism.Sorry to say but this kind of oxymoron is out of my scope.
One needs to clearly understand the professional life and personal life in
Think about the scenerio when a wife is a manager and her husband is her team
mate..How would then professionalism act?
Should they show their personal relationship in the organisation,or should
they act like a manager and a team member..Which benefits the company or whichbenefits the growth of professionalism in the company.
These questions for a while looks simple but can lead to endless discussion.
This article is just an attempt to open this issue in Open Space which i sarcastically named is as "Pseudo Professionalism"..